The seeds for Turre Evangelical Church were sown in 2003. A small group began meeting, praying and worshiping – at times we were just two people round a gas fire.
Numbers grew to where a carol service saw the home where we were meeting packed with people all up the stairs. In 2004 the group moved to the language school in Turre. The following year we needed to move again.
A founding member had a vision of where we should be that included pillars. Then the Pastor of Turre’s Spanish evangelical church offered to share the use of small premises they had purchased. We went to see but there were no pillars – until we turned round and there they were.
It was then the church took the name Turre Evangelical Church, becoming a legal entity under Spanish Law in 2012.

Soon after we moved into our present building

A birthday tea party
Come 2009 and the need for premises came again as the Spanish church needed their services to move from the afternoon to the morning, which was when we meet. The result was our present home and a lot of hard work putting up walls and installing a kitchen.
From the start the church was committed to having a shared lay leadership team. And to offering welcome to all, no matter their church background. Like any small church there have been challenges over the past almost 20 years. But God has been our ever present strength and help.
Today we have grown to about 55 members and associate members. This includes a nucleus of expat residents and short and long-term holiday makers, some of whom contribute significantly to the life of the church.
Recently our prayers have been answered by the arrival of several spiritually mature younger couples and early retirees to help us extend God’s kingdom in Turre and beyond.