As part of our commitment to our community local societies and organisations use our premises at a nominal cost.
At the moment these include –
Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday evening at 6.00pm Tel 634 300 364
Art Group
Tuesday morning at 10.00am. Information from Selina on 634 316 473
Ladies Sewing and Craft Circle
Wednesday morning at 10.00am. Sewing, knitting, cross stitch, quilting and lace making. Information from Gloria Bishop on 667 702 774
Stepping Stones Carers Support group
Thursday mornings at 11.00am. A club for disabled people and those who care for them, including lunch. Information from Fanny Davies on 950 472 822 or 677 683 385
The Indalo Players Theatre Group
Saturday morning. Information from Bill White on 671 810 819